University of Hyderabad Campus

(Second) This is our roof/ porch deal on the third floor. It looks pretty crappy from the picture, but it’s so nice to take a towel out there and tan, or read a book. At night time, especially, it’s really nice to go out because it’s so cool. We also dry most of our laundry out there (as you can see from the picture.
(Middle) This is the picture of Gopal’s, or “Gop’s” as it’s called here on campus. It’s the place to hang out between classes and at night. They serve chai, coffee, and chat—little snacks. It looks very makeshift, and it is, but that’s because they’re building a new building.
(Fourth) This is the social science building, where I have all of my classes (except for Urdu). It’s pretty nice by local standards, but it’s not air conditioned (even the new addition), and lots of the windows are broken out and haven’t been replaced. They have a beautiful courtyard inside, and the entire place is set up so that it’s all open to the outside.
(Last) This is the shopping complex on campus. The “bookstore,” tailor, cobbler, snack stores, Xerox place, hair cutters, and other random shops are all here. It’s a bit of a hike from where we live, but it has lots of stuff we need.
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