Our room in the Guest House

(Second down) The view of my room from our beds.
(Middle) A view of my bed and our desk-- the bedding and table cloth we bought here, because the old ones were kind of icky.
(Fourth down) The bathroom on the third floor, so all purpose! The toilet is not in the picture, but would be in the opposite corner of the sink. You can also see the "shower" which doesn't actually work, so you can see the bucket, which is really what we use to bathe.
(Bottom) This is the SIP (Study India Program) Guest House, the dorm where I live. There are people from all over the world who live here, but it’s mostly Americans on the CIEE program. It’s supposed to be the nicest place to live on campus—but don’t worry, we still have cockroaches and lizards as frequent roommates, and a wild boar family that lives behind us.
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